Análise da intenção de compra de produtos não convencionais em feiras livres de iporá-go


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Análise da intenção de compra de produtos não convencionais em feiras livres de iporá-go

Maria Gláucia D. Furquim, José Carlos de S. Júnior, Lucas F. Gonçalves, Patrícia G. Silva, Daniela C. Oliveira, Paulo Alexandre P. Salviano and Juliano de C. Rabelo


The objective of this study was to analyze the intention to purchase unconventional products - organic / agroecological - in open markets in Iporá-Goiás, investigating the existence or not of a consumer market for these products. Such a survey contributes to the identification of repressed demand, which can potentially be met by family farmers in the municipality. The research is classified as descriptive and exploratory, with the use of interviews as a methodological procedure to 60 consumers of vegetables at different fairs in the municipality. The results show the predominance of female people as participants in the research, with varied educational level, covering individuals with complete and incomplete Higher Education in 35% of the sample and complete and incomplete High School representing 37% of the total. Most respondents who show an interest in purchasing unconventional products have degrees and have an understanding of the attributes of organic or agroecological products, associating them with benefits for human health and the environment.

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