Association between chronic illnesses and self-perception of Health in elderly people


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Association between chronic illnesses and self-perception of Health in elderly people

Érica Paula Santos Pessoa, Geane Figueredo Santos, Priscila Barbosa Oliveira Côrtes, Talita Sousa Vitória, Letícia Oliveira Gois and Isnanda Tarciara da Silva


The goal is to examine the connection between chronic illnesses and self-perception of health in elderly people. It is an epidemiological study, census-based with a cross-sectional design and a quantitative approach of descriptive and exploratory nature. The elderly participant of this research were the ones that attended at the Social Assistance Reference Center of Barra do Choça-BA, where there were applied three questionnaires the Mini Mental State Examintion, followed by the Brazilian Old Age Schedule and, at last the questionnaire of non-transmittable chronic illnesses taken from PNAD. Of the 25 elderly people assessed, 67.9% reported having a good health self-perception, and when comparing their recent health with 5 years ago, 64.3% considered their health worse. The presence of chronic illnesses is not a determining factor to provide health negative perception. There are various factors that influence the elderly self-perception of health, but in accordance with this study, there wasn’t association between chronic illnesses and self-perception of health.

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