A atuação da fisioterapia dermatofuncional no pré e pós-operatório de mamoplastia: uma revisão narrativa


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

A atuação da fisioterapia dermatofuncional no pré e pós-operatório de mamoplastia: uma revisão narrativa

Larissa Silva Mascarenhas, Najla Nunes Brito and Juliana barros Ferreira


The surgery of mammoplasty as defined as one procedure secure and resistant and show stay the natural structure of mama. For that one surgery plastic as successful, your successful is not only dependent of surgical planning, but yes, of any cares, when this, is going see greats results, of actuation of physiotherapist demarto functional is not only in pre-operative, but in post-surgery. Thus, this search has objective of review of literature about the function of physiotherapy dermato functional in pre-operative and post-surgery of mammoplasty. This search as defined as one review of literature, and your elaboration occurred in period between March and May of 2020. As the criterion of inclusion is defined the articles with language Portuguese and English, period of publication in the last five years, articles is not restriction of access, and report cases. Before the elaboration of bibliographic search, has with results 06 articles. Conclude that, the actuation of physiotherapy in surgery esthetic of mammoplasty, get results positives and satisfactory for the patients, after this, as realized all planning before and after of surgery, this can be successful in your totally is not provocated any effect adverse in patient.

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