Chemical composition and bioactivities of essential oils of some ocimum species: A review


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Chemical composition and bioactivities of essential oils of some ocimum species: A review

Etagegnehu Assefa


Traditional medicine has played a significant role in treating health problems in both livestock and humans. Knowledge of medicinal plants and of their uses provides vital contribution to human and livestock health care needs throughout the world. The genus Ocimum, are widely used medicinal plant species of herbs and shrubs and is graded high among some of ambrosial, the astonishing herbs for having tremendous medicinal potentialities. The essential oils obtained from Ocimum plant species are used as repellent against nuisance biting insects and malaria vector, remedy of coughs, colds, measles, abdominal pains, diarrhea, and repellent, for storage pest control.

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