Comparative evaluation of pattern based classification of leukoplakia with bicc features by gmm and aann classifiers


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International Journal of Development Research

4 pages
Research Article

Comparative evaluation of pattern based classification of leukoplakia with bicc features by gmm and aann classifiers

Dr. Venkatakrishnan, S.


Leukoplakia one of the common pre cancerous lesions possess a high risk of malignant transformation. This can be prevented if it is diagnosed and treated earlier. various available Histopathological investigations and molecular research works, attempts are also being made by computer analysts to find out a technique that could accurately diagnose and classify pre cancerous lesions, condition and oral this work, BICC (Block Intensity Code Comparison) features were extracted from microscopic images of leukoplakia -affected mucosae and used for classification by GMM and AANN classifiers. The performance was evaluated and compared based on the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the results.

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