Development teaching materials of character education through learning social sciences subject in primary school class v


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Development teaching materials of character education through learning social sciences subject in primary school class v

Benediktus Kasa


Character education is taught in schools so that students in all their attitudes and behavior reflect the value of noble character and civilized in everyday life. The facts in primary schools shows that the learning which occurs in the classroom did not show character education but more indicative of instruction. The indications are : (1) design of syllabus and lesson plan that created by teacher disposed to be centered on the teacher rather than the student, (2) teaching and learning activities that occur often not in contextual with student life, (3) methods that applied tends to singles lecture, (4) often seemed deviate behavioral attitudes from the students such as in speech, dishonest, lacking respect for teachers and fellow students, not responsible for the tasks set by the teacher, (5) and even concerned schools until now have not implemented the maximal learning about character education through learning social sciences in school. Thus it need to be examined through the research of material development of character education through learning social Sciences at St Arnold SDK Penfui, District Maulafa, Municipality of Kupang. The aim of research to produce teaching materials character education through learning Social Sciences. Results conceptual development according to the assessment / design expert feedback, expert content and teacher based of validity analysis showed the resulting product development stated very feasible to be used as teaching materials that integrated character education through learning social sciences in elementary school. From 5 students of the subject field test result mean value of 3.61 considered suitable for implementation in the fifth grade students. From 28 students subject field test result mean value of 3.72 considered appropriate to be implemented to students in class V.

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