The efficacy of hypopressive gymnastics in the physiotherapeutic treatment of stress urinary incontinence associated with cystocele


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

The efficacy of hypopressive gymnastics in the physiotherapeutic treatment of stress urinary incontinence associated with cystocele

Fabiana dos Santos Benigno de Araújo, Gabriel Victor de Moraes, Morgane Ribeiro de Aquino Macedo, Rafaela de Carvalho Alves, Geovane Rossone Reis, Sávia Denise Silva Carlotto Herrera, Florence Germaine Tible Lainscek, Jacqueline Aparecida Philipino Takada, Anny Pires de Freitas Rossone, Elizângela Sofia Ribeiro Rodrigues, Willian Augusto Silva, Larissa dos Santos Nascimento Oliveira, Adelma Martins Pereira and Wellington Carlos da Silva


Introduction: Urinary incontinence is defined as a condition where there is the involuntary loss of urine, already cystocele is conceptualized as the fall of the bladder due to loss of support in the region where it is located. Among the types of urinary incontinence, “Effort” (SUI) is the most frequent, assessed by the International Continence Society (ICS) as involuntary loss of urine after physical exercise, cough or sneeze. Objectives: To verify the effectiveness of hypopressive gymnastics in the physiotherapeutic treatment of stress urinary incontinence associated with cystocele. Material and Method: This is field research, characterized as an experience report, in which there will be a female volunteer who presents (SUI) aged 45 to 65 years. The volunteer underwent a urogynecological physiotherapeutic evaluation and the collection of socio-demographic data. The muscle strength test and the functional visual assessment using the modified Oxford scale were used to prove the presence or absence of voluntary contraction of the pelvic floor muscles (MAP) after the verbal command of the evaluator. Results: During the application of the protocol, there was a general improvement in the quality of life of the volunteer in all domains, implying the limitations felt by the patient in her personal and social life, as well as in her emotional, in addition to improvement in the degree of cystocele, grade 3 pre-treatment and grade 2 post-treatment and muscle strength gain. Conclusion: It was concluded that there was a significant improvement in the scores of the impact of incontinence, the limitations of daily, physical and social activities, muscle strength and the amount of urine lost after performing the specific hypopressive gymnastics protocol.

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