Epidemiology of hemodialysis in chronic renal failure patients in haditha general hospital


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Epidemiology of hemodialysis in chronic renal failure patients in haditha general hospital


Background: Hemodialysis is one of three renal replacement therapy, the other two being renal transplant and peritoneal dialysis .it's a process of purifying the blood of person whose kidney are not working normally. it's achieves the extra corporeal removal of waste products such as creatnine and urea and free water from the blood when the kidney are in a state of renal failure. over 2 million people worldwide received hemodialysis. Objectives: to determine the epidemiology, etiological factor and out comes among patients with chronic renal failure treated by hemodialysis. Methods: A study was performed on patients with chronic renal failure admitted to Haditha _ hemodialysis _ unit during the period between 20th March 2012 to 9th October 2014.A total of 83 patients, 53 male and 30 female constituted the study group. Results: there were (63,8%) males patients and (36,2%) females Patient .The mean age of the study patients was( 52,8) years. The most frequent age group was (46_60) years with frequency of 34,9%.The prevalence of the various causes of chronic renal failure in this study was : hypertension (HTN), 29% diabetes mellitus (DM) 18% ,ischemic heart disease (IHD) 12%, renal causes 9.6%,epilepsy 2.4%,rheutomological causes 2.4%, rejection transplant 2.4%, cancer 1.2%, unknown causes 23% of the patients. Conclusions: The incidences of chronic renal failure are high in al _anbar province, but differ from city to the other. Case fatality rate was high in our governorate. Cardio vascular disease was the leading causes of death. The number of hemodialysis unit is low and the number of chair inside it is not enough for the patients.

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