To evaluate the efficacy of ksharasootra on piles

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

To evaluate the efficacy of ksharasootra on piles

Gupta Lokesh and Vardhan Swati


Arsha is included in Ashta –mahagada Arsha occurs in gudabhaaga, which is undoubtedly a marma and it is well known for its chronicity and difficulty to treat. Arsha comes under the heading of Maharogas due to its Dirghakaalanubandhi, Dush chikitsya nature and involvement of marma. Hence, this problem was selected for scientific study. Hence assessment of kshar sootra karma on piles. patients were treated with ksharasootra karma mentioned in rasakamadhenu. Total effect of therapy showed excellent results. Maximum drugs were Laghu, Ruksha and Teekshna in properties. Ksharasootra was having Vranaropaka and Strotoshodhaka qualities (Laghu guna). Reduction in discharge per anum was due to its Sthambhana action (Ruksha guna). Microvascular structures (Strotas) gets purified (Teekshna guna). Ushna veerya predominance, might have caused early falling out of pile masses. Krimighna and Lekhana qualities were due to Katu rasa. Tikta rasa enhances Kandughna, Krimighna, Lekhana and Kledapuyanashana quality. Kashaya rasa causes astringent function. Due to this quality Ksharasootra was having vranaropaka function as well, Which allows healing of wound after falling out of pile mass.Hence ksharasootra karma showed good results.

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