A gestação no âmbito pandêmico: abordagem acerca das repercussões na saúde materno-infantil


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

A gestação no âmbito pandêmico: abordagem acerca das repercussões na saúde materno-infantil

Pollyanna Jorge Canuto, Kalyne Araújo Bezerra, Layse Daniela de Lima Oliveira, Fagner Arruda de Lima, Hevillyn Cecilia Ventura Barbosa, Maria Karoline Santos Lima, Kleyton Wesllen de Lima Ferreira and Kelle Karolina Ariane Ferreira Alves


According to the Influenza Epidemiological Surveillance Information System, by the month of August, more than 2,700 pregnant women had been infected and almost 200 died from COVID-19, in addition, almost 1,000 puerperal women tested positive, with more than 100 deaths registered in the country. In this perspective, the study aimed to describe the consequences of COVID-19 infection in pregnant women, mothers and newborns through an integrative literature review, with a qualitative approach and an exploratory descriptive character, carried out in the VHL and PubMed with the descriptors “maternal mortality” and “Coronavirus infections” combined by the Boolean operator “AND” in which 112 publications were found. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, reading and analyzing the documents, the sample consisted of 14 articles. It could be inferred that infection by COVID-19 increases the risks of morbidity and mortality to the mother-baby binomial, demonstrating expressive numbers of deaths related to the severity of the disease, in addition to increasing the length of hospital stay and admissions to the Intensive Care Units. Therefore, attention should be paid to the inferences between COVID-19 and maternal and child health, aiming at studies that can detail issues such as vertical transmission, establish the degree of susceptibility, the risks and the repercussions of serious infection.

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