Impact of silvicultural treatments on establishment of seedlings of sal (Shorea robusta) and its associates in natural Sal forests
International Journal of Development Research
Impact of silvicultural treatments on establishment of seedlings of sal (Shorea robusta) and its associates in natural Sal forests
Sal (Shorea robusta) which is the most dominant tree species of the Sal forests in India is under threat. Sal seeds germinate profusely but the establishment of seedlings and conversion of seedlings into trees is very low. ‘Die back’ of Sal seedlings prevents its establishment due to several factors. This paper studies the impact of certain treatments; like opening of canopy, soil & moisture conservation, Protection against fire and grazing; on the establishment of Sal seedlings as well as seedlings of its associates. These simple treatments have a great improvement potential in the growth and establishment of seedlings of Sal and its associates in a natural Sal forest.
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