Importance of nurses in the attendance and treatment of patients attended at caps


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Importance of nurses in the attendance and treatment of patients attended at caps


Since the psychiatric reform, which sought to empty the asylums, due to the inhuman treatment that was given to patients with mental disorders, and sought a way of humanization of the system reinserting the patient in the family and social life, however the model has faced many difficulties, from the qualification of professionals to the adequacy of the method to be implemented, among the various professionals that make up the teams, we can find in all the training the nurse, because he is a professional of crucial importance for the performance of the actions directed to the treatment with the patient and his / her family, in which CAPS implements actions to reintegrate the patient with social and family life, seeking to reduce suffering and improve the quality of life for the patient. The study intends to deal with the difficulties faced by the nursing professional and the peculiarities of CAPS patient care. The present study comes to the field in order to perceive the difficulties and the peculiarities of the nursing care to CAPS patients. In order to produce knowledge about the subject and to be able to subsidize the discussion of the subject and to stimulate future in-depth studies, as well as to help the professional who works in that center, in the improvement of his actions and plans of possible improvements in the process. The main objective of this study was to describe the importance of nurses in the care and treatment of patients treated at CAPS, according to current literature. Specifically expand the knowledge about the health service provided by the CAPS, identify the role of the nurse in the recovery of CAPS patients. As a methodology, a bibliographical research was used, having as an area of study materials published in the electronic databases Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS), Virtual Library of the Ministry of Health (BVSMS) and National University Magazines, in addition to this, publications of the Ministry of Health were also used.

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