Industry 4.0 in Brazil

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

Industry 4.0 in Brazil

Vilson Menegon Bristot, Leopoldo Pedro Guimarães Filho, Antônio Cleber Gonçalves Junior, Renan Salvaro Felisberto and Pedro Afonso de Souza Demo


This article deals with a new industrial revolution: Industry 4.0. It is an industry concept proposed recently, mid-2011, which began in Germany. This movement encompasses a new way of producing new, highly integrated and automation-intensive digital processes. China and Germany are now emerging as pioneers in the research and deployment process in their industries. They make parts of the new technologies cyber security, internet of things, autonomous robots among others. In Brazil this new model is happening slowly but there are expectations of growth due to the support of financial and multinational institutions installed in the country. Industry 4.0 is already bringing major transformations to industries, products, services and consumer behavior. One of the great current impacts is on the replacement of human labor by artificial intelligence, causing changes in the professions and impelling the emergence of some and adaptations of others. It is the policy of government and society in general, to establish structures and activities that facilitate access to the new concept. The first three industrial revolutions characterized by the technological competition of the development, being that the fourth revolution encompasses the fusion of the physical, digital and biological world.

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