The lack of knowledge about stress in air traffic controllers: A Systematic Review


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Review Article

The lack of knowledge about stress in air traffic controllers: A Systematic Review

Sheila Lima Guimarães, André Oliveira Paggiaro, Viviane Fernandes de Carvalho, Patrícia Bergantin Soares Paggiaro and Markinokoff Lima e Silva Filho


Introduction: The success of air travels depends on air traffic controllers (ATC). ATCs are responsible for monitoring airspace, keeping the flow of air traffic safe, providing route information, and support for pilots during flight. All these responsibilities can cause an increase in the chance of developing physical and mental stress. Objective: the objective of this study was to carry out a systematic review about psychological and physiological stress in ATCs. Method: This article is a systematic review about stress in ATCs. Observational studies and randomized controlled trials were included in our sample. The studies quality were assessed by level of evidence and compliance with CONSORT/ STROBE checklists. Results: Of the initial 61 articles located in the databases, only 5 composed the final sample. They were all observational studies: 2 cohort studies (level of evidence IV) and 3 cross-sectional studies (level VI). The average overall STROBE score was 22 out of 44 (dp= 8.02). Conclusion: Although ATCs had physical and emotional disorders, we cannot say they have increased levels of stress. ATCs’ age and years of work experience are positive predictors for stress.

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