Marital violence and memory: the unsaid in rich women's speech

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Marital violence and memory: the unsaid in rich women's speech

Ivana Patrícia Almeida da Silva and Tânia Rocha Andrade Cunha


This paper proposes to problematize the relationship between silence and memory that involves the phenomenon of violence against women in marital relations. We choose as a research corpus, women belonging to social groups that are privileged intellectually and / or economically, this choice was motivated by questions about the reasons why the violence pattern in marital relations is maintained, even when it comes to women who have had greater access to education, financial autonomy, social status recognized as privileged and after great social achievements, especially those featured by feminism. Our intention was to stir buried memories to give visibility to the silent female experiences of marital violence, in which the body is the only witness of suffering and the only one that announces suffering through somatizations, illnesses and the mental health of many women.

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