Production of fermented beverage using tiger nut milk, coconut and coconut water


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Production of fermented beverage using tiger nut milk, coconut and coconut water

Adam Issah, Adam Mariam and Mohammed Safura


This study sought to explore the possibilities of creating a fermented drink from coconut and tiger nut which can be used as a beverage, to conduct a sensory evaluation on the product and observe the shelf-life of the product. By this new product the study sought to address the problem of non-communicable diseases in Ghana. A descriptive study design was employed in which a sample of 50 untrained respondents (consumer panel) was selected by simple random to assess the product’s sensory characteristics and indicate their preferences. Data was collected using a structured sensory questionnaire administered to each respondent to assess and express their acceptance of the product in terms of its taste, colour, flavour and appearance. The study revealed that respondents expressed high acceptance for the taste, colour, flavour and overall appearance of the product. In all, 76 per cent of sampled respondents liked the drink as against only 4 per cent expressing their dislike of it by its taste. A significant proportion (24%) could not form an opinion about the drink. Regarding both flavour and colour, an overwhelming 90 per cent of respondents liked the drink, however, those who ‘liked it very much’ by its colour (64%) were more than by its flavour (50%). By its overall appearance, (i.e. colour, size, shape, packaging) 90 per cent liked the drink as compared to eight per cent who disliked it. Another eight per cent could not express an opinion about the product’s overall appearance.

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