Quando o amor machuca: adoecimento psíquico decorrentes do término das relações amorosas atuais em estudantes universitários.


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Quando o amor machuca: adoecimento psíquico decorrentes do término das relações amorosas atuais em estudantes universitários.


Introduction: Love relationships are present in different stages of the evolutionary cycle, and their breakup can leave the individual painfully vulnerable, and its breakup is an event that generates anguish, the loss of a love relationship is associated with a variety of negative emotional responses. Objective: to investigate emotional suffering generated after the end of love relationships in academics from the health courses of the University of the South of Tocantins - Brazil. Methodology: The research was carried out at theUniversity of the South of Tocantins - Brazil, between the months of August and November 2021, with data collection being carried out through an online questionnaire, using a form on the Google Forms platform. Aiming to collect the possible predominant feelings after the end of love relationships, this research was carried out with academics from courses in the area of health of that institution. This is an exploratory descriptive field research with a quantitative approach. Results: In this study, it was found that after the end of the love relationship, positive emotions predominated both for men and women, although in different intensities, as the level of positive emotions was higher for men than for women. Furthermore, women have a higher level of negative emotions than men, which indicates more suffering.

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