Relationship between spirometric and manovacuometric parameters in asthmatic patients not subject to rehabilitation programs


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Relationship between spirometric and manovacuometric parameters in asthmatic patients not subject to rehabilitation programs

COUTINHO, Augusta Adna Souza, CARVALHO, Amanda Ferraz, MOREIRA, Mariana Aparecida Oliveira, SILVA, Rodrigo Nascimento, LIMA, Leonardo da Silva and CARACAS, Danilo Rocha Santos


Asthma severity and response to treatment can be assessed by monitoring clinical and functional respiratory parameters obtained by spirometry. The study aims to relate spirometric variables to maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressures in asthmatic patients not undergoing rehabilitation programs. This is a cross-sectional and analytical study composed of 16 asthmatic individuals submitted to anamnesis and physical examination followed by spirometry and manovacuometry. It is observed that in the present sample there is a positive linear correlation of the reduction in expiratory muscle contraction force (maximal expiratory pressure) considering the final expiratory volume 1 and functional vital capacity spirometric values, but there was no significant correlation in the other variables studied. It is important that the person with asthma is aware of the severity of the crises and the care to be taken, which facilitates the control of the disease, as it helps in the management of treatment, consequently improving the quality of life. This is possible due to the ability to accurately measure the lung capacity and ventilatory muscle of individuals.

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