Role of Durva ghrit in Parikartika (fissure in Ano)

International Journal of Development Research

Role of Durva ghrit in Parikartika (fissure in Ano)


From the patients visiting to surgical OPD many patients are with pain at anal region. Among these patients with pain at anal region most are with parikartika a disease described by Sushruta. In the condition parikartika there is cutting pain at anal region with a longitudinal ulcer at anal margin. Similar condition described as fissure in ano in modern surgery. Modern treatment includes stool softeners, pain killer, soothing ointment etc. surgical management includes anal dilation, fissurectomy, sphincterectomy. But these treatments are with the fear of some complications like recurrence, incontinence etc. so there is a need to find an alternate and better treatment to treat the condition parikartika. In the present study we use durva ghrit to treat parikartika w.s.r. to fissure in ano. The results found in the study are very encouraging.

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