Teachers 'practices and challenges of a nursing course in the State of Tocantins, Brazil


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Teachers 'practices and challenges of a nursing course in the State of Tocantins, Brazil

Hanari santos de Almeida Tavares, Luciana do Socorro Lima da Silva, Maria Lúcia Paulino Silva, Juno Brasil Custódio de Souza, Ricardo Henrique Paes Barreto Peixoto, Alírio Sérgio Mareco Batista, Joceane Silva Parente, Renilda da Silva Soares and Cristiana Maria de Araújo Soares Gomes


This paper discusses the pedagogical practice of the university teacher, focusing on their initial and ongoing training in educational practice and to reflect this practice seeking to build a relationship with the knowledge necessary for a role as a teacher. We know that with so many technological advances, we see the need to adapt the professional level above ordinary life in a globalized society. This is a qualitative research, important benchmarks were used to achieve the proposed objectives at work. The studies showed a need to consider the pedagogical practice within a training context , therefore, the discussion revolved around a competent practice as a result of a training focused on the action with teacher quality , research directed to the acceptance of the fact that IES does not give the process of initial training of these professionals , the professor of higher education itself is responsible to give future teachers a theoretical and empirical support facing a good practical education development. Sharing this idea that the professor is the greatest trainer of young professionals that seek to discuss various issues in the course of this study emerged.

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