Traços de personalidade na área de tecnologia associados a segregação ocupacional por gênero


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Traços de personalidade na área de tecnologia associados a segregação ocupacional por gênero

Alessandra Herranz Gazquez and Regiane da Silva Macuch


The access and unequal positions of women in different areas of work have been objects of study in the last decades. Gender inequality in the professional field can be observed by stereotypes attributed to men and women, as occurs today in the technology areas. Therefore, this study analyses two personality traits, Assistance and Affection, among professionals from technology companies to understand if these personality traits, often related to the female gender, are right or wrong. This sample is composed of 1700 workers of both genders, trained or undergoing training in technology courses that responds to the Factorial Personality Inventory (IFP-II), over 11 years, applied in potential tests for hiringin this area. As a result, both personality traits showed appropriate levels for women to work in the technology area, which suggests that occupational segregation to the female gender is moreinfluenced socially and culturally than by personality traits.

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