The use of peer feedback as a technique to promote better esl writers


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

The use of peer feedback as a technique to promote better esl writers

Bazhouni Maya


With a history that goes as far back as to ancient Greece, peer feedback has grown in both prominence and value to become a venerable teaching strategy in the modern educational context. It is characterized by widespread acceptance, especially in ESL writing classrooms. Studies have been carried out to investigate the reason behind the popularity of peer feedback. Most researches indicate that the technique bears the potential to improve the English writing skills of ESL students. Consequently, the approach has been adopted across diverse learning contexts due to its efficacy. It has been found to boost the confidence, independence, critical thinking skills, and audience awareness of ESL writing students. Notwithstanding challenges such as student apprehension, time constraints, and teacher-peer conflicts, a combination of the benefits of peer feedback results in better ESL writers provided that teachers prepare the learners adequately and implement the technique appropriately.

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