Vulnerability to sexually transmitted infections in women serving custodial sentences


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Vulnerability to sexually transmitted infections in women serving custodial sentences

Nádia Vicência do Nascimento Martins, Adriana Vanessa Ribeiro Mafra, Arlindo da Silva Lourenço, Irlaine Maria Figueira da Silva, Maria Rita Bertolozzi, Randerson José de Araujo Sousa and Lucia Yasuko Izumi Nichiata


Toidentify vulnerability markers to Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) of women in the prison complex in Santarém, Pará. Exploratory, descriptive, cross-sectional, and qualitative approach, carried out through semi-structured interviews, having as participants 62 women, whose statements were transcribed and analyzed in their content. The following categories of analysis resulted: 1 Women's knowledge about STIs; 2 Identification of STIs as a problem in the prison system; 3 Health care in the prison system.Women in deprivation of liberty have correct knowledge about STIs, ways of transmission, and prevention. As vulnerability markers to STIs,there were low school level, the concentration of blacks and browns, overcrowded cells with poor ventilation, personal hygiene, and difficulty of information access and health services.The vulnerability markers of women deprived of their liberty to STIs are related to broad social contexts and prior to prison. It is reiterated the need to guarantee dignified conditions and opportunities for the promotion and protection of health, accessibility, comprehensiveness, resolution, and humanization of health care.

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