A cobertura das imunizações no amazonas: uma análise em séries temporais para as mesorregiões


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

A cobertura das imunizações no amazonas: uma análise em séries temporais para as mesorregiões

Rúbia Silene Alegre Ferreira, Edileuza Lobato Da Cunha, Edimilton Araújo De Castro and Natalie Cruz Ferreira


Demographically, it is said that the future will be formed by an elderly population, not only because fertility has been systematically reduced, but also due to the fact that human life expectancy is higher. This is the result of advances in several areas of science. One of the convenient results of this process is the fact that in terms of pathologies the number of deaths has been reduced. Thus, this work aims to make an analysis in the timeline about the coverage of immunizations in the mesoregions of Amazonas. To respond to the proposed objective, data from Datasus (Information Department of the Brazilian Unified Health System) was used, covering a period of 26 years (1994 to 2020). Vaccination is a prevention strategy that goes back to the idea that “prevention is better than cure”. In this sense, it is worth noting that several parologies that in decades were responsible for the mortality of a high population, could have immunization or vaccination as an ally in reducing deaths from preventable causes. The results show that the expansion of immunizations in the state of Amazonas, plays a significant role, since in all municipalities the coverage in addition to being present, decreases when the maximum coverage has been reached. This reinforces the idea that it is necessary for the State to keep making efforts in this noble cause.

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