Estimulação cerebral não invasiva conjugada ao treinamento cognitivo e físico em idosos: uma revisão integrativa da literatura


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International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Estimulação cerebral não invasiva conjugada ao treinamento cognitivo e físico em idosos: uma revisão integrativa da literatura

VIEIRA, Mário Antônio Moraes; DA-SILVA-VERNON, F; SOUSA, Evitom Corrêa de; TAVARES, Flávia Valéria Aguiar Vieira; COELHO, Evelym Cristina da Silva; FREITAS, Keila Caroline Correa; PAES, Brenda Lorena Machado; CRUZ, Letícia dos Santos; SOARES, Aloma Sena; SANTOS, Rômulo Teixeira dos


Objective: to present an integrative literature review about the use of non-invasive brain stimulation combined with cognitive and physical training in elderly people with dementia suggestive of Alzheimer's in the period 2014 to 2019. Method: The following steps were adopted for the construction of this study: 1) Definition of the guiding question; 2) Definition of the inclusion and exclusion criteria for studies; 3) Definition of the information to be extracted and categorization of the studies; 4) Analysis of the included studies; 5) Interpretation and Discussion of the included articles; 6) Presentation of the review and synthesis of knowledge. Result: There were zero articles on brain stimulation combined with physical exercises and cognitive training, which reveals a lack of studies on the subject in the context of dementia. The articles that came closest to the theme in research were grouped according to the thematic axis and similarity shown during the full reading of each article included in the study's eligibility stage. Conclusion: Greater investments are needed in research on the combination of different stimulation methodologies to estimate the effects on mental, cognitive and motor status of elderly people with dementia suggestive of Alzheimer's.

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